December 23, 2006

New Search Option from Google


It is interesting, you can hide details, just type and a new search starts and common results like images, blogs, and wiki articles are automatically included in the side bar.

Windows Anti-Virus Rec's from Microsoft - easiest

Nod32 - - more nerdy

Digital Photo Classes Offered Again

Windows on Feb 3 and Mac on Feb 10-- see blurb below for details:

Digital Photography Workflow Introduction
What do I do, now that I have all these digital pictures?

Description: Learn how to use your digital camera in your work and at
home or traveling. Learn how to optimize your photos so that they
achieve their full potential.

This class covers the basics of photography and how to set up a
digital work-flow that works for you, the digital photography
amateur. Camera/computer connections, file organization, archiving,
optimizing, printing and sharing are all addressed.

Bring your camera, cables, memory cards, laptop and everything that
came with the camera. This class is a great choice for beginner to
intermediate digital photographers. You must take some photographs
before the class! There is a basic outline at the bottom of this

The class will be intimate, laid back, and non-competitive. It will
be at my home/office and we will moving around the house and yard for
lectures, hands-on computer work and photography.

Limit of 6 participants so please register early!
Windows Users: Dates/Times: Saturday, Feb. 3 2006 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (one hour
for lunch)

Mac Users: Dates/Times: Saturday, Feb. 10, 2006 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (one hour
for lunch)

Note: if you want to take the class but this date does not work for
you, give us some date suggestions that do work. We may be able to
add a session.

Cost: $80.00, includes a.m. and p.m. snacks

Requirements: Digital Camera, Laptop Computer (or a desktop you can
carry!), at least 10 photographs on your memory card (they don't have
to be great ones, in fact the more problems the better), all
connection cables and software previously installed. Call me if you
want help with this before the class.

Optional Follow-up Opportunity: After the class, on a mutually
convenient date and time, get personal one-on-one help with a photo
shoot of your choice. We will work together to evaluate, catalog,
optimize, organize and prepare for sharing your shoot. $50/hr

How to Register: Send a check for the full amount or I can send you a
PayPal invoice that you can pay on-line with a credit card. Call or
email if you want the PayPal invoice.

Mailing Address for payment and the Feb 10 class:

TeachTech Inc. - Steve Gandy
12635 Flagg Dr.
Lafayette, CO 80026
phone: 303.359.9836
Photography Basics
-image, size, quality, white balance

Unloading the camera
-cables etc.
-connecting the camera vs. using a card reader
-using the camera's software vs. using the computer's operating system
-formatting the card vs. deleting the photos for next time
-finding the pictures once you have unloaded them to the computer

Organizing the picture files
-using the computer's operating system vs. specific software products
-using good names
-renaming the pictures
-organization system choices

Archiving the picture files
-using web resources
-burning to CD/DVDs
-general backup strategies and options

Optimizing the pictures
-correcting colors and light balances
-cropping and re-sizing
-software tools available

printing and sharing the pictures
-internet choices and websites
-creating local websites for sharing
-local printing
-printing yourself